Satisfaction, nature and being in awe

Nature teaches grand lessons.

This summer I got the opportunity to sit in awe of the ocean, the beautiful sand, and tall trees. I felt like I was in heaven. Sand and water are so simple, yet their purity and consistency can entertain one for hours as you stare at the waves coming in and out, in and back out again.

I was reminded of a blog that a colleague wrote about the healing power of being in awe. Scientists have found there are healthy physical and mental effects from the state of being in awe. What gives us this profound sense of awe is as diverse as we are.  For me it’s nature, the trees, moon, animals. There is something so spiritual about pausing for a moment to just be in awe of this wonderful creation.

I was reading an article about retails shops and malls closing down at a rapid rate across America. One town is looking to make up for the lost business by attracting people to stop for the hiking trails, state parks and a new whitewater rafting outfit.

Studies have found that as people consume more, they are less and less happy. Spending money can actually be an addiction, similar to drug addictions, because, as studies show, spending can give people the same temporary high that drugs can.

So how do we break these cycles of addiction? Through knowing that man (more than just human beings) — men, women and children — are the spiritual manifestation of God. A friend once told me that she thinks of the word “man” as short for “manifestation.” I like that. We are much more than the flesh and bones that we see. We are actually each the image and likeness of God; the reflection of the one creative Spirit. Getting to know God and expressing this infinite wonderful being is the way to satisfy.

Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the cravings of immortal man... The senses confer no real enjoyment.

What can we enjoy then? I find that thinking in terms of qualities helps. The Bible says:

God’s Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful…

So true enjoyment comes from our spiritual sense. Spiritual sense is actually how we perceive beauty, peace, love, satisfaction, comfort, joy. It’s how we feel safe. It’s how we give generously. It helps us make the right decisions. In fact, it is our constant connection to the Divine, to our real, native being.

God’s being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss.

So it makes sense that as we become conscious of God, we are becoming more aware of infinity, freedom, harmony and boundless bliss and can be truly satisfied.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.


Mary Baker Eddy, Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 60:31
Galatians 5:22 CEV
Science & Health, p. 481:2-4
Matthew 5:6 NIV


Looking for better health? is a characteristic of every aspect of being:
healthy relationships, healthy home, healthy business, etc.

Health is not so much about what you eat, drink and how you exercise — these are all expressions of your health.

Health is your God-given state of being and consciousness.

The true consciousness is the true health.
(Miscellaneous Writings, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 298)

Health is the…the absolute consciousness of harmony and of nothing else.
(Rudimental Divine Science, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 11)

These passages illustrates that mental nature of health.

Here is another one from the Bible:

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear [appreciate, revere, love] the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
(Proverbs 3:7-8 NIV)

Health is an inherent component of your relationship to God.

Bring health into every aspect of what you do.

Healthy order
Healthy love
Healthy creativity
Healthy balance
Healthy satisfaction
Healthy spontaneity
Healthy freedom

Health is the perfect balance and embodiment of spiritual qualities.

Live your divine heritage of health and spirituality in all that you say and do!

Mental inbox

Today I took some time to clean out my inbox. I don’t know how I end up subscribed to so many emails; I usually just ignore them (which is easy to do with the new Google filters) and once in a while I’ll delete them all.

However, today I took the time to unsubscribe from the many lists. Wow, did that feel good! Imagine: having an inbox where you hear only what you want to hear. It’s so tranquil and peaceful.

That is the mental atmosphere, or consciousness, I want to live in as well. It is peaceful and still, and all I can hear is God speaking to me.

This is possible!

Unsubscribe from all the voices you don’t need to hear: self-criticism, condemnation, worry, human will and opinions, etc.

Enjoy a mental inbox that is peaceful and tranquil. Only receive messages of love, value, your worth, purity, innocence and beauty as a child of God. You have an indestructible relationship to your Father-Mother God. And She is speaking messages of comfort and healing to you each moment.