Harmony is the natural order of the universe

I love exploring the idea of harmony. Harmony is a beautiful attribute of God, which we can bear witness to in all of our activities. It’s actually pretty fun. How is harmony being expressed right now? How will harmony be present today? These are great questions to ask ourselves when we want to see where our thought is dwelling.

Here is a quote that I love about harmony (although it was originally written to a group of Christian Scientists, it can be applied to everyone universally).

The real Christian Scientist is constantly accentuating harmony in word and deed, mentally and orally, perpetually repeating this diapason of heaven: “Good is my God, and my God is good. Love is my God, and my God is Love.”

Seeing harmony expressed around us is enlightening! And it has added benefits to our health. Today there are many people who recognize the power of consciousness on the body. Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered Christian Science 150 years ago, described health as the “consciousness of harmony and of nothing else.” And many people today are finding physical healing, restoration of relationships and financial difficulties through a change in consciousness — through a more enlightened sense of the Infinite and the natural, beautiful laws of harmony that govern our experience.

Here is another quote that I love:

God is harmony’s selfhood.

Wow, what an idea! When we are focused on our a personal selfhood, it’s much harder to see harmony working in our lives. However, when we focus on the whole picture and perceive through a spiritual lens, we can see harmony working around us. You could even say that we perceive harmony, because we are spiritual! We are perceiving who we really are, our Maker and the natural order of existence.

Focusing on harmony’s selfhood enables us to see that we are an active component of a whole Being. Perceiving harmony is perceiving wholeness (perhaps that is why it’s linked to health).

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

What fun it is to discover more about harmony everyday. Enjoy the joyous adventure!


Quotes are (in order) from:
Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellaneous Writings, p. 206:19
Mary Baker Eddy, Rudimental Divine Science, p. 11:13
Mary Baker Eddy, Unity of Good, p. 13:8
I Cor 13:12 For (only) KJV

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