3 ways to experience God’s love

Aren’t we all seeking a little (or a lot) more of God’s love? Don’t we, and the world, all want to experience unconditional love? A love that doesn’t judge. A love that embraces you and everyone all the time. Wouldn’t that be great? Here are 3 ways to experience more of God’s love in your life:

Be a transparency.
Each of us can experience God’s love by being a transparency for that love. Just like the glass in a window is warm when the sun shines through it, so radiating God’s love to those around you can warm and bless you! You will feel loved when doing so!

Hope is the marriage between the consciousness of good and the expectancy of good. Expect good! This is your natural state. Don’t expect evil, sickness or fear. Focus on the good in your experience right now. This expectancy and awareness of good is a natural defense to the door of your thought and your life.

Being grateful is a huge part of feeling God’s love. Counting our blessings helps assure us of the continuity of good. It assures us of the presence of good and fills our thought with joy! Give gratitude, give thanks, even in times of affliction, for all the strength, courage and grace that God is loving you with and giving you each moment.

We are all so loved and can shine it!

Today is the first day of my new blogging project. I will be blogging everyday going forward as a new way to give thanks to God and be conscious of God’s  loving relationship with humanity. I hope these posts will bless and inspire you, as they do for me when I’m writing them. Thanks for keeping up with my blog! 



3 thoughts on “3 ways to experience God’s love

  1. Thanks, Lindsey, for sharing your thoughts about ways to experience God’s love. I especially like the analogy to glass warmed by the sun — a connection I can easily perceive. Interesting to think of the term, “radiation”, which is one “treatment” for cancer. As students of Christian Science, we know that “radiating God’s love” always proves to have a permanent healing effect.


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