Why do I love God?

emboss-infinityReligion may seem “dead” today, but it occurs to me that only material dogmas are really dead.

The love of God, and the love that God has towards us is very much alive. This is what “real” religion, or spirituality, is all about — that precious, tender relationship between God, man and all living things.

Why do I love God?

  • God is my Sustaining Infinite and Protector.
  • God is my Mind, and all of His/Her thoughts are lovely, loving and pure.
  • God’s Love is like a warm comforter on a cold, winter night that is always with me.
  • God’s Truth gives me direction and confidence.
  • God’s Soul gives me identity and identity to all living things in perfect unity. God’s Soul also gives me creativity, spontaneity and joy.
  • God’s Spirit is the substance of my being. It includes health, harmony and abundance.
  • God’s Life is my life. Forever and always.
  • God’s Principle is my solid foundation. The life, truth and love that I can never fall from.

These reasons for why I love God cause me to contemplate the question: how big is your God?

We can all expand our understanding and perception of God everyday. This spiritual understanding is the answer to every thing we need. It comprises the wholeness of who we are. It is basis for your health, your life purpose, your worth, and satisfaction.

This spiritual wholeness is illustrated in Christ Jesus’ statement, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37 NIV)

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